
There is so much currently out there when it comes to planners and journals. It’s a wonderful time really when I think about it. I have never had so much access to inspiration while at the same time being overwhelmed with all the wonderful ideas. I have mentioned before that whenever I am choosing a journal or a planner it will speak to me. I know that sounds odd but it’s really very true for me! What I mean when I say that it speaks to me is that when I hold a planner in my hand things that come to mind. The size, is it big, small? Do I want to put stickers in it? Keep it professional? Travel with it? Leave it at home? Do I want to also capture memories? Is it bound or loose pages? All these things come to mind with planners and with journals. This is how I love to then use and manage them. It may seem strange to some because I know in the past my family has always said to me, a notebook is a notebook what’s the big deal? Well to me it is. It’s just like any other passion that people may have and journals and planners are a passion of mine. Each planner and journal has worked for me at a certain  time in my life and if something did not work I  changed it. I can confidently say that I have never ever only used one planner for an entire year. Since being a child I have always used at least two! I think  in college is the one time that I came closest to only using one. The reason for why I used really only one was because I became so detailed with my days that included studying times, assignments, syllabi, meetings, work, interviews, etc, that made it difficult to easily transfer information without being too paranoid of losing information.

To the topic at hand, is it possible to combine your journal with your planner? It’s an idea that I love and sometimes I am very excited for and then notice that I end up doing more journaling and planning in another planner. I had spent many days looking through Pinterest to see if I could find anything that would inspire me and I did! I found something along the idea of an omni-journal. Meaning one journal for everything. So it would be a place to not only plan but to also document my days. I love the idea but how to make it work for me. With planning I often need it to be something that is clean and when I journal and memory capture I love it to be very colorful and creative.

Why would I want to combine the two? I have used a similar technique during #onebookjuly and found that after using it I love having everything combined. It helps to map out my life. What my days are about. I love to use a bound book and leave it on my shelf. When I come back to it and flip through it I just can’t get enough and I am absolutely in love.

I have recently been itching to make an omni-journal again and I thought that I would take you along for the journey. I would like to share with all of you how I make this work or not. It’s a really great journey to embark on because it can be challenging but definitely rewarding in the end. What I will do is see if I like adding pictures and how much of my tasks in the book. I want to explore and see if I can make some of my planning more creative and see if things get done or lost. Do you omni-journal? Do you like to capture your memories in your planner? Please share your thoughts!

