I think it’s so important to get ready for the day! Most of the world is quarantined and while it’s a new norm for a lot of people for me this happened back when I had my first baby. When I went from getting up and getting ready everyday to now staying at home with a baby it felt like a quarantine. I also had my baby in December which meant not that much of going outside either.

This is when things could get very mundane and you can let yourself just wear sweats all day or get ready for the day. The way I look at it, it’s my job. For any other job I have to get dressed and ready. Same thing applies here. For the past seven years I have been getting up and getting ready for my job as a mom. Some days it has to happen in spurts ,meaning I first put an outfit on and then makeup midmorning. Things with kids have to change depending on the day but I always do my best to have my mom uniform on!

What’s the importance of this? Well, for one it shows my kids an example that getting up and getting ready puts you in a different mind set. It helps get things done. When you’re dressed and ready to go you can get focused and motivated. While I love having lazy Saturdays where you do spend most of your day in pjs I don’t like to make a habit of it. When I’m dressed I feel like I can take on the world. Feeling good about yourself helps build your confidence and gives you that ‘I can do this’ attitude!! So make sure you get up and get dressed!! If you would like to know some of my favorites click the pictures below!! The vacuum that I love and has been a life savor is this one and this one I turn on in the evening and in the morning

