
Fauxbonichi Eclass

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Class Description

This listing is for a brand new E Class that provides you with inspiration to get you excited about having a fauxbonichi.

Class Description:
In 2014 I showcased this idea to the youtube community and it was a huge hit. People from all over were thrilled to sit down and capture their days and take pictures and enjoy every moment the best they can!
In this course I will give you access to 9 videos , each video is long and full of inspiration. The objective of the course is to teach you how to stop and smell the roses, to realize the little things in life and capture them in a journal. I will share my old fauxbonichis as well as my most current one. Sharing what kind of tools I like to use as well as tips and tricks.

You will receive a FREE sticker sheet when you sign up for this course. The sheet is yours to download and print out as many times as you like!